Independent review confirms reissued SQE1 results are correct

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By Legal Cheek on


Kaplan drafted in top statistician after 175 students were incorrectly told they had failed

An independent review has confirmed the accuracy of the reissued SQE1 results.

Assessment provider Kaplan commissioned an independent review of the revised scores after 175 students were wrongly informed in April that they had failed their exam.

Both Kaplan and the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) apologised for the extraordinary blunder, attributing it to a rounding error in the calculation of the final scores.

Affected students were issued their revised scores, but as Legal Cheek reported at the time, some had already seen their training contract offers revoked.

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Kaplan stressed that, despite completing “thorough checks” and reviewing the calculations “in detail” before releasing the revised results, it decided to bring in a leading statistician to independently verify the final scores.

This task was given to Anne Pinot de Moira, a chartered statistician with over 25 years of experience working in the fields of assessment and education. She is an Honorary Norham Fellow at the Department of Education, University of Oxford.

In a statement last week, the SRA confirmed that the review had been completed and confirmed the accuracy of the reissued results, including individual marks, quintiles, and overall pass/fail outcomes.

Kaplan is also commissioning a wider independent review of the incident and its causes.


Archibald O'Pomposity

It is no coincidence that Kaplan is an anagram of “a lazy plank”.

Of course, this is not the case…or is it? In today’s post-truth society, who’s to know what to believe?


I assume that for future assessments Kaplan will bring in an independant professional to certify the results/ their fundings. The careers of many students are at stake…Hopefully, the SRA will demand that from Kaplan or else be expected to be judged in breach of their regulatory role.


How do the ones who have failed know for sure they failed? Or not


Is it just me or is committing the procedural minuciae to memory pretty pointless in this day and age? Understanding and applying the law is important but whatever practice area you end up in, you’ll quickly pick up the procedural stuff, and have access all the forms and flowcharts you need to follow without relying on memory. I don’t understand why you have to memorise so much pointless material for the SQE.

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