Comments on: Monday morning round-up Legal news, insider insight and careers advice Tue, 24 Oct 2023 08:49:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Look Behind The Social Media Shouting Tue, 24 Oct 2023 08:49:49 +0000 Drug spiking reports may have risen fivefold but there is no evidence of drug spiking reports increasing or there being an increasing in the rate of reporting of drug spiking events which in fact occurred. The drop in the relative prosecution rate is good data of there being a massive increasing in false reporting of such incidents. This is mainly press and social media driven perception which should not drive any policy by police or the government other than a proper information campaign. The stories about syringes being used are a good example, basically an urban myth that has lead to much low quality journalism. The linked story quotes a barrister being quoted as saying, correctly, that it is not common, and then saying, without data citation, that it is becoming more common. Increased reporting is not increased incidents.
